Full Moon in Aries
Full Moon in Aries
* Courage * Intuition * Discovery *
Merry Full Moon in Aries! This is the “Astrological Re-boot” as the Moon is back in Aries, the cosmic infant, the first sign of the Zodiac. A fresh Moon cycle awaits us and it is much needed if I do say so myself! This year, 2020, has been a year of much confusion, hardship, and disillusion as the Grand Awakening hit in “showroom style”- with a virus that took down nations and changed humanity as they once knew it. So many theories have come to the surface, and most of humanity is waking up to the realization that everything they thought they knew here on this planet- may be an illusion.
The Great Maya as the Ancients called it- and the ‘Mitote’ - the endless mind, and the wheel of Samsara- All of this comes to mind when meditating upon what our society has turned into- the collective fears, sadness, loneliness, and confusion. Most of humanity has went through an ‘ego death’ of sorts this year, and everyone is on their way to Ascension in their own time, on their own path, Be-ing, Discovering, Questioning, and Looking Within.
This grand cycle has occurred before, and we are being forced to look at where we need to heal ourselves and Globally as a collective- to accept and understand all walks of life. None shall be left behind in the Wave of Awakening. But it is up to each and every soul here now to start visualizing and meditating upon a Great New World. 2021 is set to be the year for many to finally awaken to their supreme divinity and souls purpose here on Earth. We have been preparing and positioning all over the Globe (and Universe) to raise the vibration with Mother Earth and make the transition into a Galactic Community of Peace, Love, & Unity.
Turn off the t.v. and get outside- delve into your souls’ passions- and therein you will find your purpose. The last three months of this year will be the most important in bridging the energy and grounding it for all.
This Aries Full Moon will be encouraging us to be courageous in all areas of our lives. Any confrontations will be handled and dealt with gentle detachment- but be careful of how you word things as this will be a sensitive energy. Many will want to be heard- few may listen. Some may take this energy on and be tempted into risky behaviors or to start conflict. If so try to breathe and remain as calm as possible, and send them off with love, Your peace and well-being are worth more than others’ discord.
On a positive note, the fiery disposition of Aries gives this Full Moon some magical energy. Mixed with the serene, water energies of the Moon, this can be an enlightening time for creativity, and passionate pursuits of all kinds. With the Sun in lovely Libra, there is love to be found as we step into October, and the leaves begin to fade into a beautiful hue of golden amber. Libra, being the sign of the Peacekeeper (but also, the Artist) is opposite the Full Moon in Aries, and this can bring some heavenly energy in to create a balance between work and play. You may be inspired to try a new creative modality, or build upon a pre-existing one. Your energy will be funneled into a directed project in which you have wanted to start for sometime.
Saturn just wrapped up its five month retrograde cycle on September 29th, ending a period of stagnation, halted plans, dreams or desires put on hold- and we are now able to move forward with grace and ease on our desired paths. Occupational areas affected: Medicine, Surgery, all professions that bring beauty into the world such as Art, Music, Fashion, Dance, but also, Sports, Race Car Driving, Police and Military. Aggressive, dynamic, goal-oriented energy- beware of energy wasted or used at the wrong time, unpredictable energy or tensions, impatient, frustrated or opinionated individuals.
The opportunity to find courage and power, implement or assert ones’ own personality- and the ability to find meaning in ones’ own discovery into the development of the nature of the world.
This Full Moon in Aries may challenge us to look within ourselves, and our society, and begin to make changes for the whole, for the next generation of children, and for the healing if the nations. We will learn that we have to embrace one another, despite differences of opinion, race, sex, creed, religion, political stance, globally. We must all come to an understanding, of how huge and monumental this time is, for the safety and future of humankind, that we unite in peace- as sovereign souls under God- all loved equally, and blessed to have freedom, justice, and universal love.
It all starts with each and every one of us, standing tall in our most glorious state, God Sovereign Free ~ our souls know no hate. Our souls are made from love, by love, out of love, and are essentially, pure love. Let us journey within this Aries Full Moon, and listen to our intuition, the inner knowing of our souls voice.
To believe in oneself, is to believe in the magic of all creation. All you have to do, is listen.
Aries ~ Element : Fire Masculine Energy * Planetary Ruler : Mars
Archetype : The Courageous King & His General
Shadow : The Tyrant & His Torturer
Motivation : Power of Assertion
Pitfall : Too many irons in the Fire
Guiding Desire : I want…now
Mythological : The Golden Fleece
Crystals: Diamond, Red Jasper, Carnelian, Malachite, Citrine, Ruby, Bloodstone, Fire Agate
Herbs: Basil, Hops, Honeysuckle, Lavender, Geranium, Red Rose, Poppy, Cayenne, Dragons Blood Sage
Essential Oils: Peppermint, Wild Orange, Ginger, Lemon, Sandalwood
Colors: All Shades of Red, Rust, Camel