Full Blue Moon in Taurus
Welcome to the Shadowlands
*Mystery * Security * Faith*
Merry Full Blue Moon in Taurus ~ & Happy Halloween!
This is the second of two full moons this month, wrapping up a portal cycle in which we did much digging collectively - uncovering a plethora of previously undisclosed information to the public.
Hello Scorpio Season. Welcome to the Shadowlands.
As the Sun entered Scorpio on the 22nd of October ~ the energy of the Scorpion reigns - feminine, dark, mysterious. Having the reputation as the most intense and complex of the Water signs, Scorpio energy is also deeply sensitive, emotional, and private. There is always a deep, dark secret place for Scorpio to go within to for solace and healing, when retreat is necessary. This energy in opposition to the Full Moon in Taurus, can bring much to the surface that may have been kept secret.
During this Halloween weekend, the veil will be thin, whispers and shadows may appear - literally, or metaphorically. Ancestors will be guiding each and every one of us, into the next season of our lives, but it will be up to us to truly listen.
To listen to our own hearts and souls, and not what anyone else tells you to believe. To take what resonates and leave the rest. At its deepest core, Scorpio is its own master, its greatest teacher, and its own worst enemy. When cornered in a situation, a scorpion will not change its mind, it will not “do what you tell it to” - it will sting itself to death - rather than be captured, and go against its own heart & soul.
The energies of Taurus are naturally opposite that of Scorpio, and will do everything in its power to keep its security and safety. The Allure of Mystery and the intensity of emotional energy that Scorpio holds, fascinates Taurus. This opposition is charged with a magical quality, a deep and heady dance between dark realms.
This Halloween Full Moon in Taurus will be calling us back to Nature, the image of barefoot dancing through the autumn leaves ~ the lighting of Jack-O-Lanterns ~ laughter and howls in the streets at dusk ~ Holding hands with warm apple cider in front of a fragrant bonfire.
Taurus rules the senses, and asks us to explore all of our senses, with enjoyment.
You may be inclined to go out to some festivities - or the Taurean energies may inspire you to have a cozy, small gathering of loved ones. You may be called to honor you loves ones that have crossed over through creating an ancestor altar, or honoring ritual. Either way you choose to spend this Full Moon, you can be sure to know you are Guided and Loved Always, from Beyond.
The sensual energies of the Full Moon in Taurus opposed the Sun in Scorpio, will also create ample romantic, and sexual overtones this weekend. Take the time to give your lover some extra attention, and you may find you can really connect on that deeper level you’ve been looking for. Heart to Hearts’, mending of painful arguments, reconnecting with only those who truly value your worth and time.
You Are Divine And Are Worthy Of Divine Love!
With Mercury Retro still in effect until November 3rd - it’d be best to hold off on any conversations with that ‘ex’ - no new business deals, and continue to be aware of miscommunication in all areas of commerce and relationships. Try and maintain a boundary between you and others that may be looking for a fight, “emotional vampires”, people that make you feel drained - detox social media - Big Purges, Detoxes, Physically, Mentally, Emotionally, Spiritually, Socially, Economically, Politically, Globally.
We are entering the Grand Age of Aquarius - within the next few months leading up to 2021, we will see major global change, the world we all thought we knew - coming to a close.
Out of the Age of Disinformation and Into the Age of Enlightenment.
With only 3 days until what some are calling, the Most Important Election in Our Lifetime, We all have the choice to choose:
Fear or Courage
Silence or Free Speech
Hate or Love
I know that it is part of My Mission here now, as a Sovereign God Free Loving Soul, to stand up and as my I Am Presence, I AM DIVINE, to help guide those to the Light of Their Own God Sovereign Free Ability. I choose to be a Warrior of the Light, a Healer of the blight,
A Galactic Guide In A Spiritual WarFight
I will not accept the mark; and I urge all those I love to fight it with all your might.